More Than Paper™

In a consumer driven world everything is seen as a commodity. Our goal with with this campaign was to show that trees have a lot more to offer than the paper they can create. Since the medium is the message the concept revolves around utilizing real paper across the campaign art. The powers that be at Louisiana Community Forests loved the concept so much they decided to trademark More Than Paper™ to use anytime they drop truth about trees.

Lazers and Papers

To maximize the paper texture we used lazer-cut cardboard to create our colorful landscape. We started by building our animatic in the computer. Each color layer was then exported out of the computer, laser cut from sheets of cardboard, then re-assembled in a custom built rig for stop motion photography.

Build Boards

Since we built everything IRL (that’s internet lingo for “in real life”) all of the billboards in the campaign were literally just photographs straight out of the camera.

Did It for the Gram

We also created a series of social post for them to use for the campaign.

